The time approval feature can be found under the Time tracking module from the left hand menu and is only available to Enterprise users.
Except for guest users, all Nutcache members can use the timesheet feature to enter worked hours, but only members with the project manager security profile or team leader role (and, of course administrators) can approve time.
Setting the approval parameters
Before proceeding with the approvals, you must set a few parameters to best suit your business reality. Those parameters can be found under the organization settings screen:
Nutcache lets you set the submission/approval mode (once a week or daily + weekly), and lets you decide if you want to send standard or custom notifications to members upon timesheet approval or rejection.
Approval by team
Once all your team members have recorded their work hours into Nutcache, the next step is to approve them, or reject them.
1- Click the Filter icon to select the team for which you want to approve time. By default, all teams are displayed. Owners and administrators have the option to view all members, notwithstanding the teams.
2- Define the appropriate date range. Click the right or left arrow (<,>) or click directly on the dates to move to the desired period faster. You can also decide to display the weekends, or not.
3- Set the appropriate time entry view, either by project, client or time entry date.
How to read the timesheet
The timesheet status. Clicking the timesheet status button allows you to either approve or reject a timesheet.
The work hours progress bar. The work hours progress bar can be one of the following state:
Grey: the member has yet to complete his weekly work hours.
Green: the member has completed his weekly work hours.
Red: the member has exceeded his weekly work hours.
NOTE: in his maintenance file, the member can set his default weekly work hours.
The notification icon. This icon allows the time approver to send a reminder to the member to complete their timesheet. The notification icon will be reset once the timesheet has been approved.
How to approve a timesheet
The approval screen summarizes the work hours for each team member: For each period, you can see:
1- The performed tasks and their related projects.
2- The number of hours worked as well as the number of billable hours.
3- The alert icon indicates a discrepancy between worked hours and billable hours.
4- The bubble count indicates the number of time entries for a same day.
Once you review the accuracy of the information displayed, click the Approve week link button. If you disagree with some of the information displayed, click the Reject week link button. A notification will be sent out to inform the member if the approval settings are set accordingly. If you have selected the daily approval option, you will be able to approve the time entries for a day by hovering over it.
You can also cancel an approval/rejection, should you wish to make further modification to it.
IMPORTANT - A timesheet that has been submitted can be modified only if it has not been approved or rejected by the project manager or team leader. Once a timesheet has been approved or rejected, it is locked and therefore cannot be modified by the person who submitted it.
The approval different statuses
A timesheet that contains grayed-out time entries means that it has not yet been submitted for approval.
Yellow time entries indicate that the timesheet has been submitted and is waiting for approval or rejection.
Red time entries mean that the timesheet has been rejected.
Green time entries indicate that the timesheet has been approved.
Time tracking reports
The time tracking functionality is supported by comprehensive reports, giving you better insights into how your team runs and how long projects take.
The reports can be found under the Reports module from the left hand menu: